Preparing for flu season during the COVID-19 pandemic

September 21, 2020

Preparing for flu season during the COVID-19 pandemic

And just like that, the year is almost at its’ end. In addition to this fact, flu season is upon us. And we’re still in the middle of a global pandemic.

How should caregivers and the elderly alike be preparing for the flu season? Let’s talk about it.

Preparing for flu season during the COVID-19 pandemic

Flu shots are still important

Flu shots are still important. In fact, getting the flu shot is even more important than it is been in the past years.

The flu claims the lives of thousands of elderly adults each year.

Just like SARS-COV-2 – the culprit virus for COVID-19 – the flu virus attacks the lungs.

The viruses are different and most elderly people fall in the high risk category for both – as far as getting the infection and the severity of both diseases go.

Although there is a lot of testing and experimenting going on, a vaccine for COVID-19 is currently not forthcoming in the near future.

In fact, in a recent Gallup survey, one in three participants said they would not take the COVID-19 vaccine even if it was proven to be safe. This is an important metric because gaining the trust of the public is important if a vaccine is going to be widely-accepted and used.

While the flu vaccine will not prevent COVID-19, it will lower your chance of getting both diseases at the same time.

Wearing your mask is still going to be important

While wearing a mask for prolonged periods of time is uncomfortable, it is still a great way to limit airborne infections.

Researchers have shown that masks are effective when it comes to stopping the spread of droplets.

The flu virus and SARS-COV-2 are spread by droplets sprayed into the air by an infected person.

Wearing your mask in crowded spaces like stores will lower your risk of getting infected with either.

Continue to take your vitamin C

Research shows that vitamin C boosts your immune system so it can fight off viral infections.

Vitamin C is also the “healing vitamin” and it is regularly used with burn patients to help them heal from their wounds quicker.

Fruits like oranges, lemons, avocados, blueberries, strawberries and cantaloupes are rich in vitamin C.

You can also get vitamin c from vegetables like spinach.

Handwashing and social distancing are still a go!

Don’t forget to wash your hands the moment you come in from outside. Washing your hands with soap and running water is still the best. If you don’t have access to that, hand sanitizer is the next best thing.

And social distancing is still a must.

So far, there is no one way of preventing the spread of the flu and SARS-COV-2.

Don’t take it for granted

There has been a lot of controversy when it comes to COVID-19. This has stemmed from the fact that scientists and doctors still don’t know much about the virus. The one thing we do know however, is that prevention is better than a cure. Taking key steps to preventing the disease protects not just you; it protects everyone.

Green Tree Home Care - 9466 Cuyamaca Street #102, Santee, CA 92071