A Daughter’s Guide to Arranging Home Care
Most adult children arranging home care for a loved one are not experts. While there may be lots to discuss between doctors, driving, and family support, the process of bringing in a caregiver is pretty easy.
Usually families realize a loved one needs additional support when there is an accident or when lapses in memory become regular and dangerous. So, arranging home care often coincides with major changes in health.
Once you complete the tasks on this list, you will be ready to confidently arrange for a caregiver to support you and your loved one.
Talk to All Family Members Involved with the Care of a Loved One
While this step may seem cumbersome, many well intentioned care arrangements fall flat because a member of the family isn’t onboard. Often, the person receiving care doesn’t feel the need to have outside support. Adult children happily step-in to help mom and dad with simple chores. But, as care needs increase the burden of care may become too much for one family member.
It is important that you have open communication with your loved ones and family members. Talk openly about your concerns about arranging home care and open the floor to planning for the future.
Asking for outside caregiving help is a smart move since easing into relationships with caregivers feels natural and can make the change easier.
Determine When Care is Most Helpful
Once you have spoken with your loved ones and family about the need to arrange home care, you should discuss when care is most appropriate. Your loved one’s lifestyle is unique, and home care services should occur when your loved one finds them most valuable.
You should choose times based on the following considerations:
Does your loved one get regular meals without help or prompting?
If you answer no, then a caregiver or family member needs to be present during meal times to ensure proper nutrition. There are services like meals on wheels that deliver food and can cut down on caregiver support. But, proper fluids and nutrition are key to a healthy life. So, if there is doubt your loved one is getting appropriate nutritional support, then a caregiver or family member should help.
Does your loved one need help with transportation?
While your loved one can use ride sharing programs and public transportation, many people enjoy the flexibility and support of a caregiver providing transportation. Many clients choose one or two regular days to arrange home care. They set appointments and outings during the regularly scheduled times. This takes the pressure off having a stranger drive your loved one.
Is your loved one falling, and is there a high-risk time of day?
Falls are a big deal. Consider arranging home care during the times your loved one experiences falls. Bath times prone to fall events. Night time bathroom visits are also especially risky fall times. Make sure to set the home home up for success by lighting walkways and removing trip hazards. But, if this isn’t enough consider hiring a caregiver to help your loved one get around. You can even have a caregiver stay throughout the night to give much needed sleep to anyone else providing care.
Is your loved one able to care for his or her own hygiene?
Sometime people need help getting in and out of the shower, dressing, and looking their best! If your loved one is struggling to keep up with regular personal care routines it may be time to consider arranging home care. Caregivers can help your loved one with bathing, dressing, makeup, shaving, skin, hair, and mouth care. You may only need a caregiver to come in a few times per week to help with these tasks.
Are there times you need to get away from the house?
Often, arranging care is absolutely necessary for the wellbeing of the family caregiver. Family caregivers should take regular time away from caregiving responsibilities and remain plugged into personal activities. When arranging home care make sure to plan times that give a family caregiver the separation and support she needs.
Make a list of the Tasks a Caregiver Can Help With
Talk to your loved one about what she would like a caregiver to do. Visit with other family members and create a list of responsibilities you can share with your care provider. Duties to consider include light cleaning, cooking, transportation, specific personal care tasks, and ambulation support. For a full list of tasks most San Diego care provider offer, read San Diego Home Care – Everything You Need to Know.
What are the Most Important Caregiver Qualities
This topic should be part of your open family discussion. It may be uncomfortable to share a loved one’s personnel requests with home care providers. But, home care staffing is about skill and personal connection. You want to ensure caregiver meet all of your loved ones needs. It is also important to consider what care needs may exist in the near future. If your loved one will need more support with transfers and ambulation you want to make sure your caregivers are comfortable with changing job responsibilities.
What Resources are Available, and What is the Budget
As you begin arranging home care, you will need to consider what resources and family support you have to work with. Sometimes families will provide nearly all caregiving support with a few hours of respite here and there. Other times, a caregiving company will provide 24/7 care.
San Diego home care costs range depending on how much care is needed. You may find some financial support through the VA, and family members often band together to support loved ones who need more home care. Do some digging into your loved one’s financial picture to get a solid idea of the resource you have to work with.
Take Action
You are now armed with a plan of care that meets the needs of your loved one. You can reach out to quality care providers like Green Tree Home Care for direct conversation about arranging home care, and how they can support your loved one!