Are you thinking about home care for your loved one? Here’s why you should go for it!

You have an elderly loved one?
You love them dearly but your job and life has moved you far away from them.
It is not secret that they are getting older.
And it is getting increasingly hard for them to get around the house and complete tasks like they used to.
Perhaps health concerns like diabetes, COPD and arthritis have now shown up as well.
What should you do as a concerned child or loved one?
Aging in place and why it’s so important
It is becoming more and more common for older people to stay in their homes.
Think about it: if you had lived in one place for 40 years, would you want to leave it?
You raised your kids there.
You celebrated a lot of “firsts” in that house.
A lot of holiday celebrations have happened in that house.
And most importantly, you know where everything is in that house.
Very few people want to move from familiar surroundings if they can help it. And for a lot of healthy older people, they would rather stay at home until the very end.
How can you help your elderly loved one age in place?
As great as an assisted living facility or nursing care facility may be, it is not home. Thus if you’re finding that your loved one is resisting the move, you might want to consider an alternative.
So how can you help your elderly loved one achieve this goal of living at home even though they might have challenges?
The obvious choice here is home care.
A home care aide can help your loved one with:
- Bathing and showering
- Skin care
- Dental care
- Grooming
- Make-up
- Dressing
- Movement
- Changing briefs
- Providing bathroom reminders
- Companionship
And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
A great home care company is aware that your loved one wants to feel at home in their own home.
And so they will strive to make sure that your loved one is receiving all the comfort and care that they need to be at home safely.
Not sure what to look for in a great home care company?
We compiled 15 questions you can ask any prospective home care company in this blog post.
Why you should go for it
Once you have asked the questions on our list and are satisfied with the answers, going with a home care company is an excellent idea.
You will be able to rest your mind about knowing that you are helping your loved one thrive in their own surroundings with the proper help.
If you live in the San Diego area or in Orange County and would love for us to provide care for your senior loved one, we would be happy to.
You can reach us easily at (800)-518-9277 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.