7 Ways Caregiver Services Can Help Your Mom at Home

Your mom has always been there to help you through life, but as time passes the roles shift. Now, your mom needs your help. Finding the best way to support your mom can be a struggle in today’s busy world. Whether your mom lives with you, in the same town, or across the country, finding a balance to meet everyone’s needs feels overwhelming.
Using a caregiver agency is a great way to support your family’s needs. So, what can a caregiver do to help your mom? The article below covers 7 things that caregiver services can help with.
1. Meal Preparation and Feeding
Helping your mom get the nutrition she needs is very important. Caregivers can help cook and prepare meals. They can also do the grocery shopping and meal planning for her. A good caregiver can help prepare not only nutritious meals but meals that can meet any dietary restriction that mom may have. If your mother needs help with the physical action of eating, they can provide support for that also.
Caregivers give fluid reminders and encourage your mom to stay hydrated. Dehydration can cause dizziness or vertigo which can lead falls.There are some limitations with meal support. A caregiver cannot administer food via feeding tube. But, short of skills considered medical, a caregiver can make sure your loved one gets plenty of food and fluids.
2. Transportation Services
Most caregivers can offer transportation services. Transportation can include critical activities like doctors appointments. It can also mean a trip to a favorite restaurant, or shopping for pants. Transportation support is often about promoting independence, and keeping your loved one engage in her favorite activities. Transportation services can help your loved one adjust to losing a driver’s license.
3. Personal Care
One of the biggest struggles as we get older is losing our independence and requiring help in areas of our lives that are more personal. Caregiving services can offer your mom help with bathing, dressing, toileting, and grooming. Great caregivers can provide help with these sensitive tasks gracefully. In some cases as people get older they may develop a dislike for bathing (don’t feel alone this is common!) Caregivers can help balance your mom’s personal desire with safety and skin care.
4. Movement and Transfer Support
A big risk, as mom gets older, is the occurance of a fall. How do you prevent them? Caregiver services can provide support with movement and transfers that can help decrease the chance of a fall. This can range from stand by assistance to full bed bound care. Helping your loved one up from a chair or supporting her as she goes for a walk in the garden can give both you and your loved one peace-of-mind. Caregivers can also give reminders and encouragements for mom if she uses walkers or other assistive devices like grab bars.
What if mom is bed bound? Bed bound care is a specialty area. When someone losing the ability to walk their care needs are different. They are at risk for rapid muscle loss, and bed sores, also called pressure ulcers. If your mom is bed bound, she needs to be repositioned every two hours to help prevent bed sores. Caregivers can help with the repositioning and help monitor for signs of pressure sores. There are also some devices like pressure relief mattresses, that you can get to help with pressure sore prevention.
5. Medication Reminders
An important part to keeping mom healthy is making sure she is taking any prescribed medications. Caregiver services include providing medication reminders. This service is limited to reminders only as caregivers cannot administer the medication themselves. They can assist you mom by handing her the pre-dosed medications but cannot administer it into her body. If your mom needs more support with administering her medications there are other medical services available to assist.
6. Light Housekeeping
Helping with the daily household chores is also in the scoop of a good caregiver. Caregiver services can include light housekeeping, such as washing dishes, helping with laundry, dusting, and cleaning bathrooms and kitchens. Caregivers can even help with chores associated with taking care of your mom’s beloved pet.
7. Communication, Appointments, and Technology
Caregiver services can include helping your mom get and stay organized. Helping with her communication needs helps reduce the stress and anxiety for you and your mom. Caregivers can help schedule and keep track of appointments. They can also help mom with her technology needs such as using the internet or social media.
Great caregivers fill out daily notes to keep you updated and involved with your loved one’s care. Some agencies even provide online programs for families to get daily updates. Please note, caregiver services should not include helping with bill pay or other financial decisions. If your mom needs additional support with her finances, you can contact a fiduciary for more information.
Taking care of your loved one is top priority. Using caregiving services can help provide both you and your mom with regular expert support.
For more information about caregiving services in San Diego check out this guide: